zálohováno českou národní knihovnou
Hello everyone!

Allow me to welcome you to my new website which is dedicated to my collector passion - collecting autographs of famous personalities. My name is Ján Podolský and I am the autographs collector specializing in particular in the field of acting, space, music and sport.

I started this collecting passion 29 years ago, strictly speaking in 1980. I have put only a part of autographs due to the large number of my autographs and due to delays on this website. I pay more attention to personal meetings with astronauts and celebrities in different places and both in the Czech Republic as well as in Europe or in the U.S.A. on this website.

Have a nice show!

Ing. Ján Podolský
You can find here:
9558 photos
6467 persons
from that:
3734 men
2433 women

Nuber of visits:
On-line: 55
Today: 1596
Total: 5796977

Last update:
09. 05. 2021